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Craziest way to boost your mobile broadband signal

January 3, 2010

I was stumbling the world wide web when i found this very useful and crazy way to boost the mobile broadband signal of you network adaptor at

This is easiest way to boost the signal (you can check out the increased signal strength in the video below) with some simple kitchen equipment.
Check it out :

Sixth Sense Reinvented

November 11, 2009

LONG BEACH, California — Students at the MIT Media Lab have developed a wearable computing system that turns any surface into an interactive display screen.

Pranav Mistry , the genious behind the invention says ” ‘SixthSense’ is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.” The research is aimed a new digital sixth sense for humans.
The prototype was built from an ordinary webcam and a battery-powered 3M projector, with an attached mirror — all connected to an internet-enabled mobile phone. The setup, which costs less than $350, allows the user to project information from the phone onto any surface — walls, the body of another person or even your hand.


Pranav Mistry the brain behind the project trying the demonstrate the working of the innovation.

Mistry wore the device  around his neck, and colored Magic Marker caps on four fingers (red, blue, green and yellow) helped the camera distinguish the four fingers and recognize his hand gestures with software that Mistry created.These gestures can be used to click a pic which is then saved in his mobile and then be projected on any surface and can be scaled just as done on any multi touch phone.
The device can be used to extract any type of info from the web , like knowing the rating of your favourite book, or knowing the review of an upcoming movie just by giving the camera a look of it .
Imaging talking to a stranger and information about him like his blogs, his pics from all over the web and other info making a word cloud on him. He won’t be a stranger anymore.



When Mistry folds his hands in “namaste” fashion, the system opens a menu to allow him to choose an application. If he wants to read e-mail on his phone, he draws an @ symbol in the air with his finger. He can project a phone pad onto his palm and dial a number without removing the phone from his pocket. As he reads the newspaper on the subway he can project a video onto the page that provides more information about the topic he’s reading.
Imaging yourself in a supermarket  picking up a packet of macaroni,the ring would glow red or green to tell you if the product is Vegetarian or non veg — whatever criteria you program into the system.

The MIT group, which includes seven graduate students, were thinking about how a person could be more integrated into the world around them and access information without having to do something like take out a phone. The group is working from 4-months,day and night for making this dream a reality!


The future like minority report seems near … waiting for it 🙂 !